ZoneTree Terminology
The dictionary meaning of segment is to divide something into separate parts or sections. In ZoneTree segments are individual groups of key-value pairs. Keys can be duplicated across segments. Hence the order of segments is important. A key lookup query must start from the mutable segment first. If the key is not found there, it continues in read-only segments in LIFO order. The final lookup happens in the disk segment.
Mutable Segment
In ZoneTree there is only one segment that can accept new key-value pairs. It is an in-memory efficient B+Tree. When the mutable segment is filled, it is automatically moved to the read-only segment layer and a new empty mutable segment is created.
Read-Only Segment
A read-only segment is an immutable group of key-value pairs that are kept in memory. When a mutable segment is filled, it is moved to the read-only segments group and another empty mutable segment is created to accept new modifications. There can be 0 or many read-only segments at a given time.
Disk Segment
The disk segment is also read-only. It is an immutable group of key-value pairs that are kept in the disk. There is only a single disk segment at a given time. The disk segment can be empty. Note: In Bottom Segments layer there can be zero or many disk segments.
Bottom Segments
This is the layer of disk segments. When a disk segment is full it is enqueued to the bottom segments layer. Bottom segments optimize the write and merge speed when the database size is big.
It is the vertical expansion of disk segments. (See Multi-Part Disk Segment section for horizontal expansion.)
The ideal bottom segments should be in a pyramid-like shape. The pyramid-like shape will be provided by a separate background thread in a future release.
Disk Segment Mode
There are 2 disk segment modes.
Single Disk Segment
In this disk segment mode, the key-value pairs that belong to the disk segment are stored in a single file.
Multi-Part Disk Segment
In this disk segment mode, the key-value pairs that belong to the disk segment are stored in multiple files in a flat hierarchy.
It is the horizontal expansion of disk segments.
Sparse Array
Sparse arrays are in-memory sorted arrays that contain deserialized key-value pairs of a disk segment to reduce file IO. For example, if the disk segment contains 1M record and a sparse array has 1K records the disk lookup range will be 1M / 1K = 1K (SparseArrayStepLength). Binary search IO reduced by a factor of log(1M) / log(1K) = 20 / 10 = 2; If sparse array size is equal to the disk segment size, the entire disk segment is served from memory.
Disk Segment Block Cache
Compressed disk segments are read in blocks. These blocks remain in circular cache memory in configurable duration for further use. Block caches contain serialized data.
Write Ahead Log (WAL)
Write Ahead Log is a special append-only log file that persists in-memory key-value pairs into the disk to preserve the database state in case of a crash/powercut. WAL also enables the shutdown of database instances without merging the mutable segment and read-only segments into the disk.
Write Ahead Log Mode
There are 4 types of WAL modes in ZoneTree. These WAL modes provide different levels of durability and performance.
Please see Write Ahead Log section for more details on the topic.
Move Mutable Segment Forward
It is the atomic operation of moving the mutable segment into the read-only segments layer and creating a new and empty mutable segment.
Merge Operation (Compaction)
ZoneTree can keep all data in memory through Mutable Segment and Readonly Segments.
However, memory is not infinite.
Merge operation merges the read-only segments and current disk segment into a new disk segment.
After the new disk segment is filled with data, it becomes the current disk segment of the ZoneTree.
Merge operation uses merge K sorted array algorithm. This is a background operation and initiated in a separate thread.
Merge operation is cancellable.
An unexpected crash of a merge operation does not harm the state of the database.
If a disk segment exceeds the configured limit, it is moved to the bottom segments layer to stabilize insert speed for big data.
Bottom Segment Merge Operation (Compaction)
Bottom disk segments can also be merged with a background operation.
To start a bottom segments merge operation call IZoneTree.Maintenance.StartBottomSegmentsMergeOperation with desired from-to values.